Aughleam (Eachléim) is a Gaeltacht village on the south of the Mullet Peninsula in Erris, on the R313 regional road. Its name derives from Irish, Each(horse) and Léim(leap) and local folklore has it, that a horse leapt from the east of the townland to the west, marking out its borders.
Every year people come from all over the country to Eachléim, to spend their summers learning Irish either from staying with local families or attending classes with the Colaistí Samhraidh Gaeilge (Irish Summer Colleges).
The village’s heritage centre, Ionad Deirbhile, aims to give visitors an insight into the lifestyle of the Mullet Peninsula in the past. It has locally gathered research history materials, which visitors can use to research local history and archaeology, island life and the Legend of the Children of Lir.
Visit Belmullet
Belmullet, Co. Mayo
Mon – Fri: 10:00am – 4:00pm